Meeting Info

The Oakwood Homeowner’s Association holds four Open Meetings each year and are published in our online calendar.

The date, time and location will be posted on this website and signs will be posted throughout the property as reminders.

Homeowners are encouraged to attend Open Meetings.

Oakwood H.O.A. Open Meeting Guidelines:

1. We encourage homeowners to attend the Open Meeting. The meeting will be conducted in a professional and efficient manner following the order on the agenda and using Robert’s Rules of Order.

2. Homeowners -per the agenda, will be given a time at the end of the meeting to speak (for up to three minutes) after stating their name and residential address. (following Robert’s Rules of Order, the board is not obligated to respond to any questions or comments at that time.)

3. Please be respectful when addressing the board. If homeowners become unprofessional or discourteous, then the board will promptly adjourn the meeting.